
The Hidden Cost of Ignoring Digital Accessibility


Digital experiences are ever changing, but a new priority is arising at the desks of marketing and IT business leaders — digital accessibility. For years, the state of digital accessibility has made slow progress; WebAIM’s 2024 report on website accessibility found that 95.9% of home pages had detected Web Content Accessibility Guideline (WCAG) 2 failures....

The Visionary Leadership Program


A transformative leadership training program designed to empower leaders with purpose-driven principles, enhance organizational excellence, and foster a positive and high-performing work environment. Our program combines innovative strategies, self-reflection, and actionable steps to help leaders unlock their potential and make a lasting impact within their organizations. Session I: It Starts With Principles Discover the significance...

OPEN HOUSE: Product Innovation in the Age of AI


World-changing innovations aren’t conceived in a vacuum. The best ideas come out of collaboration and are formed within the context of society, customer demands, and industry challenges. Luckily, today’s innovators and technologists have artificial intelligence at their disposal to augment their ideation exercises and assist in design, testing, and scaling. Product Innovation in the Age...

The Economic Impact of Higher Education in Massachusetts


MTF's next Massachusetts at a Crossroads webinar will look at the role of that public and private colleges and universities play in the Commonwealth's economy. Higher education has been a magnet for talent and investment in the state, while building tomorrow's workforce. This conversation will assess where that sector currently finds itself in a post-pandemic...

Trends in Privacy Litigation and Tips for Minimizing Risks


Privacy-related litigation has exploded over the past two years, with plaintiffs finding increasingly creative legal theories to bring lawsuits around marketing communications, web tracking technologies, and the processing of personal information more generally. What should organizations understand about recent litigation? What defenses have been successful? How might trends continue? And what can your organization do...

Managing Workplace Diversity for Inclusive Leadership


Date: April 12th, 2024; 9:00AM-10:30AM ET 9:00-10:30am | Interactive Presentation with Q&A Diversity isn't just a buzzword—it's a cornerstone of innovation. Professor Mateo Cruz's session emphasizes the importance of inclusive leadership. In a world rich with differences, unlocking the power of diversity isn't just a moral imperative; it's a strategic advantage. Learn how inclusive leadership...

Machine Learning in Business | Online Course | MIT CSAIL Alliances


How can machine learning methods help to influence your business? Taught by industry thought leaders from MIT CSAIL and the MIT Sloan School of Management, the machine learning course will provide a baseline to basic machine learning concepts and take you beyond primary application into effective implementation. The business course will demonstrate ways to develop...

Artificial Intelligence: Implications for Business Strategy | Online Course | MIT CSAIL Alliances


Are you and your company ready for the age of artificial intelligence? MIT's online course is a collaboration between MIT CSAIL and MIT Sloan School of Management that offers insight into artificial intelligence trends, best approaches and latest developments to enhance your business strategies. The online course will introduce ways to best prepare your company...

Inspired Leadership: Empowering Teams in a Modern Era


According to Gallup, 85% of employees globally are disengaged, signaling a pervasive challenge for sales leaders seeking to maintain high levels of motivation and commitment within their teams. Compounding this issue, within the next few years, millennials and younger will make up 75% of the workforce. And these folks have distinct expectations, values, and motivations...

Leading and Designing for Health Equity


Fostering more equitable care in your personal and professional environments Date: March 1st, 2024; 9:00AM-10:30AM ET 9:00-10:30am | Interactive Virtual Panel Discussion with Q&A Paradoxical as it may sound, achieving health equity benefits from a business and human-centered lens. Join a panel of Bentley University thought leaders to explore how businesses can work across sectors...

Leading with Emotional Intelligence to Support Change


Date: February 16th, 2024; 9:00AM-10:30AM ET 9:00-10:30am | Interactive Presentation with Q&A Change is inevitable, but how leaders navigate it makes all the difference. Bentley University Senior Lecturer of Management, Susan Vroman, will delve into the critical role of emotional intelligence. By understanding and managing emotions effectively, leaders can inspire teams through transitions, driving successful...

Expeditions in Experiential AI Seminar


Cansu Canca will present for our Spring 2024 Seminar Series on Wednesday, Feb. 14, 2024 at Northeastern University's Curry Student Center (room #333). In her Expeditions in Experiential AI Seminar "From Ethics Oversight to Integration: Reshaping IRBs’ Role for AI Research," Cansu argues that the existing challenges for institutional review boards (IRBs) only get worse...