
Behind the Scenes: MTLC’s Hot Tech Topics Series

Last Friday, Boston tech leaders gathered at the Verizon Innovation Center for the Mass Tech Leadership Council’s (MTLC) conference: Orchestrate Your Business with AI. This was the first program in the Hot Tech Topic conference series, rolling out this year. Held on Verizon’s 30th floor with views across all of Boston, this Gen AI event was a great example of the careful planning and dedication of both the MTLC and Verizon teams.  

The morning gathering was a blend of warm reunions with longstanding members, forging new connections, and fantastic insights about how tech companies are implementing AI tools into their operations and product development practices. Each speaker came prepared to share their experiences and use cases on how they’ve adapted to AI in their tech stacks and companies. . You can read an overview of key takeaways from the day. 

How a conference comes together 

The MTLC team curates these operationally focused programs throughout the year, to help technology and technology industry leaders make better, faster, less risky business decision. We curate these trusted panels to ensure you are getting the best insights for your company.   

Here’s some insight behind-the-scenes of planning one of these events: 

  1. Theme & Topic Selection: With guidance from our members, the MTLC team establishes critical themes and topics —whether it’s a cutting-edge technology, an industry sector, or a hot topic like artificial intelligence, supply chain dynamics, or customer success. The goal is to spotlight what’s current and influential.

    Have a topic in mind or curious about the tech business landscape? Reach out and share your thoughts!

  2. Venue and Date: Once the theme is set, the hunt for a suitable venue and date begins. MTLC is planning six half-day Tech Conferences in 2024, and we prefer to host these events in our members’ offices.

    If you have a space accommodating between 110 to 150 tech enthusiasts, please consider inviting us over!

  3. Speaker Selection: Next, the team plans an agenda to maximize value for attendees, fostering interaction and engagement for speakers, sponsors, and attendees. The team identifies practitioners that are willing and able to share their use cases. Each speaker and panel works hard to prepare to  ensure that we are both covering all facets of the topic and that the conference flows seamlessly for our guests.

    We know you have wisdom to share, so please check out MTLC’s upcoming conference topics and get in touch. 

  4. Marketing, Registration, and Logistics:  We share details about the event on all MTLC marketing channels, including on the website, Eventbrite, and social media, particularly LinkedIn. Follow us for all the latest updates. Finally, we manage registrations (Did you know members have tickets they can use to attend these conferences?), coordinating coffee and snacks, setting up the venue, and making sure everything runs smoothly.
  5. Execution and Follow-up: On the day of the event, our goal is to set everything in motion and then step back and let it run.  We hope attendees will ask lots of questions and enjoy the day!

    Post-conference, please let us know how you liked it because your feedback set the groundwork for the next program on MTLC’s horizon.

We’re excited about the 2024 MTLC’s Hot Tech Topic Conference Series, and invite you to be part of the tech dialogue shaping the future.  

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