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Cognito Corp, Margaret Olson, ReDev, ReDev B0st0n, ReDev Boston, Women in Tech

ReDev Sneak Peak: CTO, Cofounder And SVP Of Engineering Margaret Olson Tells All

Margaret Olson, SVP Engineering at Cogito Corp, will be speaking at MassTLC’s upcoming ReDev B0st0n event, Boston’s premier conference for developers and technical executives. 

The following piece about Margaret originally appeared on Forbes. We’ve reprinted the first part, below. For the full interview with Margaret, click here

Tickets for ReDev are now available. Visit the conference page for more information.


Margaret Olson started her career in the pre-internet, pre-cell phone era in the 80s studying theoretical ecology when she discovered computers. Back then, theoretical ecology experiments involved large amounts of data and processing it on a calculator was tedious. She walked by the computer room every day on her way to class, and couldn’t help but be curious about a more efficient way to process data. 

Olson started her career working in distributed computing – what is now the infrastructure of the web that is stuffed in cages, in large data centers, that no one ever thinks about. She was able to apply what she learned when she became an architect at Fidelity working on their first consumer-facing online trading application. She could finally bring the technologies she was working on into real commercial applications that everyone could use.

She later realized that she was tired of hitting the glass ceiling, and she was ready to shape the way she felt an engineering team should be run. She became one of two people in the attic at what became Constant Contact

Continue reading at Forbes


Tickets for ReDev are now available. 

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