Cloud Computing, ConstantContact, security, shadow IT

When, Where and How to Go to the Cloud

Joe Kinsella, Founder and CTO of CloudHealth Technologies
led a discussion of When, Where, and How to Go to the Cloud on January 26th
at Constant Contact. Here are 5 quick takeaways. Scroll down for a video of his
presentation and his slides:
  1. The Cloud reached its peak adoption in 2014-15  
  2. It’s adoption was driven by shadow IT, employees
    using expense accounts to sign up for web hosting and SaaS products
  3. The complexity of the Cloud is spiraling out of
    control which will make future transition or adoption more complex
  4. Being in the Cloud means shared ownership and
    large governance issues over data
  5. Security in a public cloud is easier and better
    than on prem or private clouds because there are many more engineers dedicated
    to making sure it’s secure

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