Innovation unConference, MassTLC, Scott Kirsner, unConference

Scott Kirsner on Massachusetts Innovation and the Upcoming MassTLC Innovation unConference

We recently had the chance to connect with Scott Kirsner to get his take on why Boston is the place where innovation happens and how the MassTLC Innovation unConference, coming up on October 28, fosters it. Scott is a BIG supporter of new ideas. He pens the Innovation Economy column for the Boston Globe, and is heavily involved with the events including Future Forward and the Nantucket Conference.

MassTLC: What makes Boston a great place for incubating innovations?

Scott: It is all about the smart, talented people in our city. It is about the students who go to the great schools in Boston and decide to stay and build their businesses here. And we have the companies to prove that Boston is indeed one of the most vibrant, energetic places where entrepreneurs have long-term impact. Among those that deserve recognition are Kiva Systems, which has revolutionized the logistics industry, A123 Systems, changing the face of the transportation business, Nuance, speech-enabling every aspect of our lives, and Zipcar, which is changing the way we think about transportation across the globe. But singling out just a handful of companies doesn’t do justice to all the other great startups in Boston who will become household names in the next few years.

MassTLC: How does the unConference support the innovation you are describing?

Scott: The MassTLC Innovation unConferece is one of the largest gatherings of technology talent and entrepreneurs in Massachusetts. It gives people the unique chance to bump into each other, share ideas and soak in insights from the numerous sessions. It all helps boost the spirit of possibility in Boston. The only downside is that there is so much happening at the same time. People are bound to miss some of the sessions they want to be part of. I’m still haunted by the six or seven sessions that I did not have a chance to attend last year. This year I am going to buy 10 digital recorders and have them planted in each room, so I don’t miss a great insight or conversation!

MassTLC: What would you tell an entrepreneur about the Innovation UnConference?

Scott: If you didn’t have a chance to join the event last year, you definitely need to be part of it this October. Plan to get there first and leave last. Take advantage of the one-on-one sessions with the experts and make every attempt to meet as many people and make as many connections as possible. A ton of talented people will be together in one place – bound by the outpouring of help and energized by the collective booster energy.

MassTLC: What is one of your best unConference memories?

Scott: Last year Steve Vinter from Google spoke on how media production and consumption are forever changing. There were no slides, just smart people huddled in a room, discussing the future of media.

Join us for the MassTLC Innovation unConference on Friday, October 28 at the Hynes Convention Center. Click here to register. Follow MassTLC unConference on Twitter, Facebook, or join our unConference group on LinkedIn.

Thanks for Scratch Marketing+Media, the official PR agency of the MassTLC Innovation Unconference.

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