MassTLC, mobiquity

MassTLC Mobile Disruption & the Future of Work Roundtable Recap

On April 15, 2015, MassTLC hosted a mobile roundtable at Cambridge Innovation Center, with presenters from Mobiquity to discuss what role mobile plays in the workplace.
As times and devices have changed there has been a huge
disruptive shift in how companies do business, manage their workforce, and
secure their data. Mobile isn’t a technology, it’s a state of being.
Many people think of the bleeding of work into their home
life, but what about home life bleeding into work? Texting and G-Chatting with
friends, responding to personal emails and calls, what’s happening on Reddit,
and everything that needs to be ‘gramed throughout the day? The common thred to
these things are mobile devices. Salesforce, outlook, and
classified/proprietary data are stored side by side with Tinder, Candy Crush,
Facebook, and banking apps.
How do you go about building a mobile toolbox for your
employees that protects sensitive information without commandeering their
personal property? Are there ways to make collecting your employee’s personal
information off their devices benefit the company? Tracking where they are
selling by looking at Maps? Using their fitness apps to lower insurance costs?
There are far more questions than answers at this point but
you can listen to the discussion on SoundCloud
or view Mobiquity’s presentation in the video below.  

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