DYN, HubSpot, SalesMarketing

Go-to-market Strategy & Planning – in the End its All About Measurement

MassTLC’s sales and marketing community came together on
Friday to discuss the various go-to-market strategies for a range of
organization sizes and lifecycle, whether it be a recently-funded venture, a
growing venture that has achieved scale, or a larger public software company.

David Skok, General Partner at Matrix Partner discussed a
common pain point, the cost of customer acquisition.  His presentation demonstrated that as human
touches are added, the cost of customer acquisition is exponential.  But the internet has allowed us to be much
more creative in our marketing than ever before. Working at the top of the
funnel, its all about generating awareness, something HubSpot has done really
well.  At the middle of the funnel it’s
about nurturing and answering questions before they are ready to buy your
product.  David’s presentation can be
found here.
David recommended designing around your customer’s point of
view.  Write down your prospects friction
and concerns and what motivates them.  Look
at your blockage points and learn to work around them and find a solution.  Create triggers.  A few lessons: free tools drive viral spread,
build trust through clear demonstration of expertise, and use engineering for
Stop thinking what you think the funnel should look like and
think from your customers’ point of view!
Next Brian Day, CFO, Apperian, Mark Lorion, VP of Marketing
at TIBCO Spotfire, Mike Volpe, VP of Markeitng at HubSpot and Kyle York, CRO at
DYN introduced their companies and a brief intro to their own GTM
The panel represented the larger organization down to the
start-up play.  It was interesting how
Mark Lorion from TIBCO Spotfire thought many of their tactics mimic an entrepreneurial
company and it is important to inject this throughout the organization.

David Skok moderated a great discussion with a very engaged
audience.  It was determined that you
always have to push cost of customer acquisition back to your CEO to get
buy-in.  There were questions around
content generation, top of the funnel vs. bottom of the funnel, market
segmentation, blogging,
sales compensation
(a consistent topic addresses by our community, most
recently by Jim Kelliher, CFO, LogMeIn) and tele-qualification.  In the end, it is all about measurement.  Measuring what you are doing to see if it is
effective in driving sales and revenue.  Here
are the presentations from the event: Apperian, TIBCO
, HubSpot,

I hope you can join us for our next session in the GTM
series, “On Message, On Brand” being held at UKTI in Cambridge on December 4th. 

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