
From chaos to connection: A leader’s journey to being grounded

Chaos is as pervasive in our lives as the air we breathe—unavoidable, uncontrollable, and often unsettling. But the secret to effective leadership isn’t about eliminating chaos but learning how to navigate through it. This journey from chaos to connection is one that turns leaders into grounded visionaries—people who can stay focused, innovative, and fulfilled even when the world around them is spinning out of control.

So, how do you navigate chaos without losing your compass? The answer lies in understanding that chaos isn’t necessarily your enemy; it could be your greatest teacher.


Your first instinct might be to impose order, to control the uncontrollable. We live in a world addicted to control—from intricate project management timelines to detailed five-year plans. But there’s a certain grace in accepting that not everything is in your hands. Life rarely sticks to a script.

The best leaders know that embracing chaos isn’t surrendering; it’s recognizing that within chaos lie opportunities for growth and innovation. When you embrace the chaos, you make peace with uncertainty, and that’s where the magic happens. You begin to see chaos not as a series of hurdles but as a landscape of possibilities. Take Netflix’s decision to shift from DVD rentals to streaming, which seemed chaotic at the time but led to an industry revolution.


When you are dealing with a chaotic situation, it’s easy to lose sight of what is important—your core values. Think of values as your internal GPS, guiding you when external landmarks are hard to decipher. This isn’t just about morality or ethics; it’s about knowing what truly matters to you and letting that guide your decisions and actions.

Howard Schultz, Starbucks’ CEO, stood by the company’s core value of “creating a culture of warmth and belonging” when he decided to close 8,000 stores for racial bias training. Amid public scrutiny, the commitment to their core values guided the company through turbulent times.


Our mental models, or how we perceive the world, are shaped by past experiences and cultural norms. In moments of chaos, these models can be more of a trap than a guide. We need to challenge and, most likely, upgrade our mental model to reframe obstacles into opportunities during a crisis. This shift in perspective can be the difference between getting stuck and finding a new, unexpected path forward.

One of my coaching clients was running an art gallery when the COVID-19 pandemic hit. Faced with unparalleled challenges, they used the crisis as an opportunity to create an online experience to view their art. This ultimately opened them up to a broader audience and kept their business alive.

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I am sure you can think of many other examples from the pandemic of restaurants, museums, and stores that pivoted their business to stay alive. All these new ways of operating came out of new mental models.


In chaotic times, our immediate reaction is often to judge—to label things as good or bad, right or wrong. This is a defense mechanism, a way to bring order to disorder. But what if, instead of judging, you became curious? Curiosity opens doors; judgment closes them. A curious mindset invites alternative viewpoints and fresh solutions, providing a richer understanding of the situation.

Sara Blakely, the founder of Spanx, attributes her billion-dollar success to a company culture that celebrates failures as learning opportunities. Her curiosity-first approach turns every setback into a setup for a comeback. This innovative mindset has not only propelled Spanx to new heights but also created a work environment where employees feel empowered to take risks, knowing that each failure is just another stepping stone on the path to transformative success.


Taking a step back to observe not just the situation but also your emotional response to it allows for more rational decision-making. But observation should come with compassion—for the situation, for others involved, and, most importantly, for yourself. Being compassionate means understanding that it’s okay not to have all the answers and forgiving yourself for past mistakes, using them as stepping stones, not stumbling blocks.


In a world perpetually on the cusp of chaos, the best leaders learn to dance with uncertainty. The journey from chaos to connection isn’t a linear path but a multifaceted expedition that transforms leaders into grounded visionaries. These individuals maintain their poise and purpose even as the world spins unpredictably around them. They are the architects of their own fate, weaving the unpredictable threads of chaos into a resilient, ever-adaptive tapestry of success and fulfillment.

Embrace chaos as your unlikely teacher, ground yourself in your values, reframe your mental paradigms, practice curiosity over judgment, and be a compassionate observer. In doing so, you don’t just survive; you carve out a unique and brilliant path.

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